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Review: Glasgow Networking 2018

Thursday 17th May saw the BCFA in Glasgow networking with clients and members at Arta in the heart of the trendy Merchant City area of Glasgow.

This was a new venue for the BCFA and it was very well received. There was a feel of old Verona and we could easily imagine Romeo calling for Juliet on the elaborately decorated balcony! However, it was not romance that we were seeking but a great opportunity to meet informally with old friends and new clients.

The sumptuous surroundings created a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere where everyone was able enjoy the great company, the beautifully decorated interior and the tasty and generous food.

This was a rescheduled event following the dreadful weather experienced in Glasgow in March, following the success of this event we have been strongly lobbied to reschedule this event in May in the future! Hopefully less chance of snow! 

Thank you to everyone who attended!