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About Commercial Interiors UK CPD

What is a Commercial Interiors UK CPD and what are the benefits?

What is CPD?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development; it is a term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. CPD should be a lifelong, systematic and planned process to maintain and develop professional competence, creativity and innovation. The process helps ensure your skills and knowledge are up to date. Undertaking high quality CPD is extremely important in today’s fast moving technological world as the pace of change can soon make previous leaning out-of-date. Most professions set requirements for on-going CPD for their licensed, registered or chartered professionals, so that they can demonstrate their current competence in their chosen field.

RIBA, SBID, BIID, and BIFM all encourage their members to commit to undertaking CPD. Architects for example are required to complete 35 hours of CPD each year. For these professions investing time in CPD is key to retaining professional memberships and obligations. CPD that can be included in the learning process and count towards points can be accredited by any relevant professional body. To be of most value it should be structured with clear learning aims and outcomes. It is up to the individual professional to determine the value of the CPD material and how it has added points or provided learning outcomes.

Commercial Interiors UK CPD

As part of our mission to continuously add value to membership of the association, Commercial Interiors UK have launched a CPD accreditation service. This is an opportunity for members to engage with clients within the A&D community in a completely new and supportive way. This programme will be independent of the other bodies that provide an assessment service such as RIBA, SBID and BIID.

The Commerical Interiors UK CPD program offers a range of approved seminars or visits which can be used to develop skills and knowledge when specifying contract products for commercial projects and in their application. Delivered by professionals within the Commercial Interiors UK Membership, the Commercial Interiors UK CPD material will be educational with clear learning outcomes. Learning outcomes for the specifier/attendee will include a greater knowledge of the specification process for the type of product, its correct usage and how to avoid inappropriate ie costly or unsafe applications. 

Benefits of CPD for the target audience of Architects, Interior Designers and Clients

Undertaking CPD can be a very beneficial self-reflective process that through setting personal targets and working towards them can advance practitioners’ knowledge and skills, so that they can be confident that they are working at the top end of their profession. Here are some further benefits of CPD: 

  • Shows commitment to self-development

  • Demonstrate credibility

  • Keeps skills up to date

  • Enhances and improves performance

  • Builds confidence and credibility

  • Improves personal

  • Competitiveness and employability

  • It improves job satisfaction

Commercial Interiors UK Promotion of Members’ CPD

  • Commercial Interiors UK will promote member CPD’s through the Commercial Interiors UK website and Design Insider Live sites:

  • Commerical Interiors UK Website:  a dedicated CPD area within the Knowledge Centre- Member CPD Page

  • Member Directory Profiles:  CPD Logo to indicate CPD provider with links to the CPD area.

  • Regular email promotion to the Design Insider Live subscribers

  • Social Media Mentions: Twitter, LinkedIn

  • Four regional CPD events once the program is established – at least one event in 2019.

Cost of CPD

Commerical Interiors UK  will charge £350 for 2 years for each CPD developed and approved.

The Process

  • Commerical Interiors UK CPD Registration of Interest Form to be completed 

  • Guidance Document issued

  • Pre-Assessment Meeting

  • CPD Application submitted with payment

  • CPD Panel Review

  • Corrections advised if appropriate

  • CPD resubmitted with corrections

  • CPD Approval

  • Logo and Certification issued

If you would like to find out more about CPD, then please contact