The BCFA hosted a workshop on Writing Content for Web and Digital Copywriting at UBM on the 30th April with guest speaker Andrew Lloyd Gordon.
We share our top tips from the workshop below...
1. Ensure posts are relevant to the Target Audience
- Online software can help you analyse what posts receive the best response -,,,,,
- Look at what competitors are doing and what you're not doing
- Analyse your audience - How do users find you? Do users have a great first experience? Do users come back?
- Use SWOT analysis to strengths and weaknesses
2. Increase the trust between the brand and the audience
- Post useful information that the user can benefit from, e.g. articles on sustainability, ways a product can be used
- Feature an FAQ Online
3. Stand out from the noise
- Become "The most x guys" or "The only people that x"
- Own something in particular - e.g. Design Insider is an online magazine specifically for the contract sector and BCFA Members
4. What the business wants VS What the readers want
- Readers want to know more information, less about the business. You must find a happy medium between giving the reader entertainment and about products
- Find a happy medium between marketing for the business and reader retention
- Use tools such as HeatMap to see where readers are clicking and hovering over specific content
5. How to join the conversation between the readers head and your content
- Write content the readers want to read - what do they want to know? What do they want to hear? Why should they listen to what you have to say?
- Keep the readers entertained and engaged - 10/90 rule, where 90% engagement, 10% product placement
6. Copywriting Process Tips
- Length of posts is important - 3 lines per paragraph is optimum
- Adhere to content funnel - Attract, Educate, Nurture (Direct to your site)
- Always have an objective!
- Create a content strategy for all to use, designing and implementing the brand and framework
How does the audience read a post?
- Readers do not read chronologically - they scroll to the bottom before the top
- First paragraph is vital to hook the readers in
- Imagery will help to keep the reader's interest on the post
To find out more about our upcoming workshops, visit the full event listing here.