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EU Deforestation Regulations

EU Deforestation directive (adopted 29 June):

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) replaces and expands on the EU Timber Regulation. The EUDR requires businesses to conduct due diligence and provide evidence that ‘forest risk’ commodities imported into, exported from, and made available on, the EU market are legal and deforestation-free.

The EUDR includes:

  • Increase in scope from one commodity to seven commodities: wood, soy, cocoa, coffee, cattle derived products (including leather), rubber and palm oil, and listed derived products. 
  • Increase in supply chain due diligence scope: the definition of operator has been broadened from those who first place timber on the market, to those who import, export or first place on the EU market any of the regulated commodities and derived products.
  • There are new requirements to demonstrate no deforestation or forest degradation from a cut-off date of 31 December 2020; and provision of geolocation data for where the commodity was produced to be included in the due diligence statement
  • New checks to be carried out at the border, based on risk rating of a country determined by the European Commission

The Regulation on deforestation-free products repeals the EU Timber Regulation. As of 29 June 2023, operators and traders will have 18 months to implement the new rules. Micro and small enterprises will enjoy a longer adaptation period, as well as other specific provisions.

Click the below for specific attachments:

1) Deforestation Regulation FAQs, which also helpfully provide definitions of those categories of businesses that are obligated to comply with the regulation

2) Annex 1 to the regulation, which helpfully outlines the types of goods that are in scope of the regulation.

More information here: