The BCFA held their fourth Dublin OPEN on Thursday 11th November 2021 at the Alex Hotel in the heart of Dublin. After two cancellations due to COVID since our previous event in 2019, it was a pleasure to be able to run the OPEN at long last.
To conform to Irish Government interior event regulations, only twenty four exhibitors could showcase their latest products and services to the A & D community at this time. However the superb Orient Suite was once again an amazing backdrop, set off superbly by the bold statement carpet by BCFA Member Ulster Carpets – who also participated.
After a smooth morning set up, the show opened at 12 noon and there was an excited buzz in the room as visitors immediately started coming through the doors. This was the first “real” event in our industry since COVID restrictions had been eased in Ireland, and it was mentioned time and again by the visitors as they arrived that it was a relief to get back to face to face networking again.
To help with the visitor flow, refreshments were offered throughout afternoon and evening, with a welcome drink and buffet lunch, afternoon tea with pastries and our traditional drinks and nibbles from 4.30pm onwards.
Our timings provided popular with the visitors who arrived at their own convenience and were able to walk comfortably round the room and engage with the all the participants. There was lively interaction throughout and we welcomed over 120 attendees, including some top Irish interior design firms.
The event received brilliant support from the Irish Interiors Association and the UK Department for International Trade who both participated in the event and gave valuable assistance and input to the exhibiting companies.
We are really looking forward to hosting the Dublin OPEN again next year in November 2022, date TBC.
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